My yoga practice is not just movement on my mat, it's the weaving and unifying of breath, asana, and ahimsa in my day to day life. The careful consideration of all beings, starting with myself, is my yoga practice. When we are on our mats, we are able to get quiet and meet ourselves; we have the opportunity to witness our reactions to physical movement and challenge. I investigate how this makes me feel and I share from the place of welcoming all parts of ourselves to come forth, with love and adoration.
I adore mobility, flexibility and breath work through Vinyasa practice. My focus is on motivating you to drop into your true state of oneness, by weaving your breath into your movement. The practice I humbly share, is one consisting of fluidity through asanas, while being aware of breath in your physical body. I draw careful attention to the expansion of the thoracic lungs and mobility of the diaphragm. My ultimate goal is to hold space for you to be one with your breath, while you gracefully flow through your practice.
I share these revelations through careful guidance and suggestion while I lead asana and breath classes, as I believe yoga is more than a physical practice. My approach is open, loving, and understanding. Wherever you are in your journey, is exactly where you are meant to be. I am here to hold space and possibly allow you to expand and open to meet yourself there through movement.
I am grateful to have trained with wonderful teachers in Ashtanga, Vinyasa and Pranayama which have given me practical knowledge and deeper understanding of physical movement and muscle development in our bodies. The careful understanding of how prana expands and moves in our physical forms, is where I tend to draw special attention in hopes for us to deeply connect to our breath.
I love to work with people one and one, in the privacy of your own home, click here to contact me.
“If you make a mistake, admit it and get on with it... The whole spiritual journey is a continual falling on your face. And you get up and brush yourself off, and get on with it. If you were perfect, you wouldn’t be on the journey.”
Photo Credit: Ocea Hill