psilocybin mushroom therapy in ceremony …
You might be visiting this page as a seasoned veteran of plant medicine or a complete beginner with some skepticism. Maybe you want support so you can comfortably dive into the depths with a high dose of medicine. Maybe you’ve never taken mushrooms in your life. Either way, I’m here to meet you wherever you are currently. This process of exploring yourself with psilocybin is a curious endeavour, one that I’m immensely familiar with, and one that I’m excited to cultivate with you.
Plant medicine has become more prevalent and you can see it popping up in the mainstream with Netflix’s ‘Fantastic Fungi’ or Michael Pollen’s ‘How To Change Your Mind’. No matter the reason you are here, you are in the right place.
My name is Elyse Archer and I have been supporting people from all walks of life with various issues/obstacles/blockages/& curiosities through psilocybin ceremonies for over 15 years. Read on to learn more about plant medicines, psilocybin, my background working with this medicine, how my ceremonies work and who they are for.
A Brief History Of Plant Medicines
Entheogens, plant medicines, and psychedelics have been used to heal the body, mind and spirit throughout the evolution of humankind. We have seen humans resource nature organically in all cultures and civilizations around the globe. The oldest evidence of psychedelic use can be found in an Algerian cave, in the Sahara desert. The mural is of a 'mushroom shaman', a bee-headed figure with mushrooms sprouting from his body that is 7000-9000 years old!
We have always leaned on nature to support us. My Celtic/Eastern European ancestry cultivated a yearning for pagan rituals using herbs, plants, fungi, and the natural world to dive deep into the psyche, to holistically explore ourselves and weave us into belonging.
My History & Background
I have studied Somatic Experiencing for many years. We use the body to map and track sensation. To find where fear, joy, ecstasy, anger, rejection and other big emotions are stored in the body. And we use our awareness to meet these sensations. With the allyship of psilocybin, it allows us to focus acutely on what’s alive moment to moment. I have found there’s minimal distraction. You have laser focus on what is alive for you in the present moment. This creates a depth of limitless deactivation that’s hard to match. Time is non-linear, and while on psychedelics you have a visceral experience of the vast energetic field we exist in. SE (Somatic Experiencing) is one of the tools I use to meet moments of disconnection and challenges that can occur in a journey. Meeting emotion as sensation, and titrating/dosing the experience can really give people the ability to navigate big experiences with their awareness on board.
Hi I’m Elyse and I’ll be your guide/co-pilot
My intention is to be your co-pilot. To hold space while you navigate your terrain. To offer tools that I’ve discovered help tremendously when you experience stagnation, stuckness, avoidance, resistance and dissociation even. I’m not here to heal you. I’m not here to get you through anything. I’m here to offer tools for you to use. The idea is for you to recognize you can do this on your own. You can do this in your day-to-day. Psilocybin will bring us to the places/feelings/emotions/memories you’ve not yet processed, I will be there to hold and support you, and you will peel apart the threads that have been bound up in there. I like to think of it like combing through your hair. Think of a brush moving through, mostly it runs through easily. And then you meet a knot, how you comb apart that knot is what ceremony is all about. And what’s needed is an exploration and an investigation at the moment. That’s the inquiry we explore together.
How My Ceremonies Work
I intend to tenderly hold you, all of you in love. And, I will be tracking you and I both. I have sat with hundreds of clients, in one-on-one sessions, as well as many larger groups. For me, this is intuitive work. It’s experiential. I have been working with medicine for over 20 years. I am confident that we can process everything that arises. And, whatever we don’t get through, will be for another time. The paradox of it all, is you don’t need me, you don’t even need psilocybin, There exists a version of you that’s absolutely perfect, that’s in need of nothing, right now. That version of you, is right here, alive in you. And, it’s waiting for you to meet it. And, I recognize that knowing can be immensely elusive, it can be so far away. And that’s why I’m here to meet you. To explore the stories and blocks that stop you from recognizing the true you. The essence of who you really are. And, that might not happen for you. I have no expectations, and I know what’s possible. This is a deep dive into everything and nothing. It’s a self-inquiry with the support of an ancient medicine that has the healing power to create new neuropathways in your mind.
Is this journey for you?
Are you wanting to get to the true essence of who you are?
Are you wanting to bring your observer/witness on board?
Are you wanting to touch deeper layers of truth and to catch stories and old patterns?
Are you wanting to take responsibility for yourself and let go of the blame game?
Are you wanting to bring yourself into belonging here on earth, with others?
There’s an in-depth questionnaire where you will explore if this journey is what you’re looking for. It will allow you to begin to ask yourself questions that may ignite a process of self-inquiry. I do not sit with everyone. It’s really dependent on whether we both consent to this feeling like a beneficial relationship for us both. A discovery call will follow to explore this further.
I am currently servicing in Victoria, Nanaimo, Courtenay, Campbell River and Port Alberni.
“Nature loves courage. You make the commitment and nature will respond to that commitment by removing impossible obstacles. Dream the impossible dream and the world will not grind you under, it will lift you up. This is the trick. This is what all these teachers and philosophers who really counted, who really touched the alchemical gold, this is what they understood. This is the shamanic dance in the waterfall. This is how magic is done. By hurling yourself into the abyss and discovering it's a feather bed.”
― Terence McKenna
In the 20th century, the war on drugs emerged as a tactic to control the masses, and through that, we saw the rise of western pharmaceuticals take hold. Doctors had the sole power to prescribe healing tools, and we witnessed the inflation of capitalization. Before these tools were forbidden they were being explored by phycologists at Harvard in the late 1960s and 70s. Bright lights like Ram Dass and Tim Leary explored countless studies on the positive life-affirming effects of psilocybin and LSD on consciousness. Sadly, awakening to our true essence doesn't feed the capitalist beast, and we witnessed North American governing bodies create a pharmaceutical cartel.
Now though, we are re-awakening to the medicine that has been here all along. We are leaning toward the mycelium network system and other entheogens to support our evolution in many ways. The sole intention of psilocybin from my experience, is to unify, awaken and evolve humanity. To dissolve egoic understandings of stories and attachments, to clear new pathways of being.
We are seeing microdoses, psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy, ceremonial, and recreational use further investigated by those who want to break out of the matrix. We are awakening to a more holistic path back home, into our embodied hearts, through our minds.
Psychedelics are commonly used to support trauma resolution, relief from PTSD/OCD/ADHD, depression, anxiety, stress disorder, addiction, therapeutic and spiritual exploration, creative emergence, re-awakening, and internal problem-solving. They can also be an asset if you're curious about viewing this life experience from a new lens.