plant medicine in ceremony …
Entheogens, plant medicines, and psychedelics have been used to heal the body, mind and spirit throughout the evolution of humankind. We have seen humans resource nature organically in all cultures and civilizations around the globe. The oldest evidence of psychedelic use can be found in an Algerian cave, in the Sahara desert. The mural depicts a 'mushroom shaman', the bee-headed figure with mushrooms sprouting from his body is 7000-9000 years old.
We have always leaned on nature to support our healing. My Celtic roots have called me back to my ancestral pagan rituals using herbs, plants, fungi, and the natural world to dive deep into the psyche, to holistically explore ourselves and weave us into belonging.
I intend to tenderly hold our young parts in love, give them all a chance to be seen in their entirety, so that they may disperse organically in time, back into the collective. I have woven together with my practices, healing modalities and spiritual offerings into my gift of ceremony, and ritual. I intend to hold space for those who are curious to dive into the deeper caverns of existence, so they too can remember who, and what they truly are.
In the 20th century, the war on drugs emerged as a tactic to control the masses, and through that, we saw the rise of western pharmaceuticals take hold. Doctors had the sole power to prescribe healing tools, and we witnessed the inflation of capitalization. Before these tools were forbidden they were being explored by phycologists at Harvard in the late 1960s and 70s. Bright lights like Ram Dass and Tim Leary explored countless studies on the positive life-affirming effects of psilocybin and LSD on consciousness. Sadly, awakening to our true essence doesn't feed the capitalist beast, and we witnessed North American governing bodies create a pharmaceutical cartel.
Now though, we are re-awakening to the medicine that has been here all along. We are leaning toward the mycelium network system and other entheogens to support our evolution in many ways. The sole intention of psilocybin from my experience, is to unify, awaken and evolve humanity. To dissolve egoic understandings of stories and attachments, to clear new pathways of being.
We are seeing microdoses, psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy, ceremonial, and recreational use further investigated by those who want to break out of the matrix. We are awakening to a more holistic path back home, into our embodied hearts, through our minds.
Psychedelics are commonly used to support trauma resolution, relief from PTSD/OCD/ADHD, depression, anxiety, stress disorder, addiction, therapeutic and spiritual exploration, creative emergence, re-awakening, and internal problem-solving. They can also be an asset if you're curious about viewing this life experience from a new lens.
how did I land here?
This work is my service. I have organically landed here, offering this medicine because I took the oath of mending myself. I never set out to get a degree, a certificate or some sort of proof of what I offer. I did the work on me, and I realized through my exploration, that you don't have to go at it alone. It doesn't have to be so hard, or so painful, you can heal while being held. I believe many of us have trauma because our consciousness wasn't held as young ones. To heal relational trauma, it helps to be in relation. I can stand in as the relation you're intending to heal, whether it be with your parent, spouse, ex, or yourself. I will be your constellation stand-in while we work together, so you can unravel into your parts, and allow your course of healing to unfurl.
I have worked with entheogens for over 20 years. I intuitively communed with psilocybin with the knowing that this medicine would lead me away from my traumatic story, and into an integrative place of being. I have worked with others since my twenties. People came to me to be introduced to medicine knowing that I was open-heartedly willing to hold them in love, and authenticity. I never set out to offer myself as a guide, facilitator or medicine doula. This life work is my dharmic path. It evolved by me following my passion, and my desire to tell the truth about who I am.
I have lived experience of navigating the psyche under high doses of medicine. I have worked with over a hundred clients. I have assisted in shifting people’s states to a wholesome, more tender place. Supporting others in a psychedelic experience isn’t solely about holding space. It’s about understanding the places one might land in a deep dissociative state. I have been there, I’ve landed in the dark ebony abyss alone and had to crawl my way out. Having someone who has the somatic, visceral experience of travelling these altered states is crucial in my opinion. I ingest medicine with you. We are travelling liminal places of existence together. You are not being observed, you are being met.
I intend to gently hold our young parts in love, giving them all a chance to be seen in their entirety, so that they may disperse organically, back into the collective. I have woven my practices, healing modalities, and spiritual offerings into my gift of ceremony, and ritual.
By nurturing my clients both energetically, and physically we come into a place of fierce grace. We can remember what is truly available to us.
My role is to hold you in my heart as you journey into yourself, and beyond. I'm here to be a tether for you to return back into your body. To hold your hand, and assist in your internal navigation should you reach a roadblock. I'm here to support you while you shift yourself through the more challenging times. To support you as you integrate and process your experience in real-time.
My passion is in stewarding this psychedelic renaissance. You may experience personal growth, emotional breakthroughs, spiritual development, and a return home to yourself. After going through this journey, you won't be the same, you will have evolved.
I am unattached to how our journey "should be". I create a safe contained space and set the intention of allowing it to be what it truly needs to be.