liberation from self
I've just finished teaching the noon time class at Ahimsa, and I feel absolutely liberated, free from, well, myself! This was the first time I was able to surrender and allow my voice to just flow out of me. Teaching yoga is the hardest endeavour I have ever set out to do, I didn't know that until I stood up to teach and thought I wasn't going to make it through. But, we are resilient creatures, us humans, and I made it through, in fact I've continued to stand up and face my mountians of doubt. All of the voices in my head tell me I'm not good enough and that nobody would want to be instructed by me. I've had to battle my deep seeded fears of vulnerability and inadequacy. I've had to find my voice and stay sure footed in my dharma, my purpose to be a healing conduit for humanity. I have been able to push through and keep at it because I truly understand that yoga is healing us, it is unifying beings, interweaving us together, not apart.
Feelings of not being enough and fear still arise on the daily, but I continue to meet myself on my mat. I'm greeted by all the yogis in the studios I attend, when we move and breath as one. Today I'm just so grateful that I am able to listen to the Self, the higher vibration in me, that knows she is enough, and only wants love for everyone. Love is what keeps me going and keeps me connected. Healing is my work and my breath gives me the prana to perpetuate, and movement gives me wings.